
PL Earthborn

Emily | 28 years old

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Leader Leader
Community Manager Community Manager
Sponsor Sponsor
Staff Staff
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Coach Coach
Other Other


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  • No experiences yet

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  • No experiences yet


Ok, so basically we are looking for some people to join our new Pro team called Pink Lemonade or PL for short. We obviously need players but there's a lot of roles that you can fill if you think that you are not good enough to be a part of our roster. We need a few coaches to overview the gameplay and find mistakes to help the players. We need managers to help find tournaments and future players. We need people to help advertise and share all of our awesome moments on Social Media. Our discord (****) Is where you can keep in touch with everyone. And not to forget if you do think you are good enough to be a player then I will host try-outs every Monday and Tuesday that can be arranged in the discord. Check out our Overwatch and League of Legends teams as well! Don't be scared to try out as we're very accepting and who knows, you might be one of the lucky few who get in.


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