

Seth | 15 years old

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I just want to get better at the game and maybe make some friends outside of the ones I currently have. I've played a lot of games, but Fortnite is the only way I can see myself playing constantly and not getting bored of.

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I've been playing Fortnite for about 1,5 years, but dropped it for a couple of months before rankings came out. I recently started playing again a week ago, and quickly rose through the ranks. I am currently on gold 3. I am best with a shot gun, however I can use dmr's, smg's, and pretty much any other weapon well. While I am not the best at building, my skill in other areas (movement, aim, tactical skill, etc.) makes up for it. I am good when working in squads, duos, or solos. I can work well on my own, and well on a team. I have a lot of time on my hands, as well, so I can grind Fortnite almost as much as I want. I also have what some might call a "clutch gene", which means the worse things look, generally, the more chance I have of a comeback. I would say I'm at my best at the end of a game. Overall, I believe I am fairly skilled, and have more then enough time to grind to become infinitely better, which is why I'd be fit for a team.


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