
Susan 8

Henry | 36 years old

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My Fortnite ambitions are driven by a hunger for success and a relentless pursuit of excellence. I am determined to make it to the FNCS Finals, showcasing my skills on the grandest stage of competitive Fortnite. Additionally, I am committed to forging a formidable duo partnership, with the ultimate goal of securing a cash prize. Moreover, I aspire to stand victorious in a solo Victory Cup, demonstrating my individual prowess in the fiercely competitive world of Fortnite. These ambitions are not just goals; they are markers of my unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of my potential in this dynamic esports arena.

online experience

  • FNCS
  • past orgs

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


First and foremost, let me share some details about my Fortnite journey. I have been immersed in the world of Fortnite for six years, which has not only honed my skills but also deepened my passion for competitive gaming. Throughout this time, I've diligently climbed the ranks, consistently pushing my boundaries and setting new personal bests.

Currently, I hold an elite rank, a testament to my dedication and proficiency in the game. Achieving and maintaining this status has required a blend of strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and exceptional teamwork. I firmly believe that my rank is a reflection of my commitment to excellence, and I am eager to bring this drive to the org.

Two seasons ago, I made the strategic decision to transition into competitive Fortnite, seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth. This shift marked a turning point in my gaming career, as I dedicated myself to mastering the intricacies of competitive play. Since then, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to perform under pressure, adapt to evolving meta strategies, and forge effective partnerships with teammates.

I thrive on challenge and am unafraid to face adversity head-on. I firmly believe that adversity is where champions are forged, and I am eager to face any test that comp may present. Whether it's adapting to new patches, perfecting intricate strategies, or outplaying opponents in high-stakes situations, I approach each match with a fierce determination to succeed.

Moreover, my experience in the Fortnite community has not only sharpened my skills as a player but also taught me the importance of sportsmanship, teamwork, and mentorship. I am committed to fostering a positive and inclusive environment within the organization, helping to uplift and support fellow team members, and contributing to the broader esports community.

In closing, I am genuinely excited about the prospect of joining an org and contributing to its continued success. I am confident that my years of experience, elite rank, and competitive mindset make me a strong candidate for this opportunity. I would be grateful for the chance to discuss my application further and explore how I can add value to your team.


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