
SyG Myst

Joseph | 18 years old

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I am hoping to increase my editing skill, continue to learn with others, and participate in fun events.

online experience

  • Roblox Futuristic FPS games for 2.7 years
  • Minecraft PVP (Bedwars, Skywars)

offline experience

  • Almost a no-life 🤣


Hello! I am a friendly player. I am not toxic, not salty (at all) and am encouraging. I am pretty good at playing Fortnite. I started playing Fortnite in Season 9, and self-taught myself to play, build, and aim.

One unique aspect about me is; somedays, I am really good, hit all my shots, and build, box, crank perfectly. Other times, I miss all of my shots, fall through my builds, and basically be a complete failure at the game. So, because of this up and down movement of my skill, I rated myself not as High-, but as Middle+, because after all, most of my time playing, I am in between those two drastic measures.

I am looking for a team that does tourneys once in a while, but not pro teams; more casual, fun and a little competitive. I have little experience in tournaments or hype cups in general. I played a few, but did not really enjoy them, although we get high placements.
Previously, I joined 2 teams, both were not to my type. I won't list them here. Because of this, I have experience with about how each team works.


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