

ToothePoint | N/A years old

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To make it into the big leagues
Grow my relationships with other gamers
Have more fun gaming
Upgrade my social skills
show people that being young doesn't effect your gaming

online experience

  • Have 120 hours in fortnite

offline experience

  • I have no life lol


My username is Watling354 and I am a Xbox player with skill on:
-Jurassic World Evolution
-And Jurassic World Evolution 2

I have good movement in games; I do well under pressure; I can support people and give them boosts and I can think fast in high stakes situations. I may be young but i can put up a good fight in the virtual world. I enjoy gaming and can play for hours ant a time and it will feel like 10 minutes. I work well in a team and enjoy other people company while gaming.

I am a Xbox Gamer and I am comfortable with a controller but can play with Keyboard to and am willing to get better. I am not the best at building in Fortnite but with practice and other gamers and coaches to help I can get better. I am looking for a team that will help me get better and that I can help to get to the top of any leader board we come across.

I do better with team mates to help me and give me a boost. I can lead if need be but i can also follow as well. I like to have a say in what happens around me and give constructive criticism. But all I want is to be around people who are like me


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