League of Legends


Nathan Smith | 26 years old

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I am looking for a serious or semi serious team who wants to rank up in the ladder and hopefully play in some tournamnets

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I've only been playing league for a year and got into ranked in December and I ended the season in Silver IV, but I believe that with practice and effort I can rise higher then I am now. I main support and have a champion pool of 9 champions (thresh, braum, leona, nami, jana, soraka, morgana, karma and annie) and am currently working on learning Alistar. I have skype and more then enough time to play 4 or 5 days a week with the team as well as duoing and my own practice after. I have the drive to improve myself and help make your team as good as I can. If you want to contact me you can message me in game at Aletakar or just through this site


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