League of Legends


Landin | 23 years old

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I am just looking for a group who is trying to improve at the game but yet understands that it is a game. I enjoy being competitive and I think this is a great way to stay competitive.

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I am a support player, who has a a decent champ pool. Mainly playing engage supports (Maokai, Galio, Leona, Naut, Thresh, and Rakan) but also able to lock in an enchanting support (Lulu, Morgana, Seraphine, and Soraka) if needed. I am not limited to the supports I named, those are just some of the supports I enjoy to play. I am a silver II support, but I have filled in for tier I and tier II clash teams who claim that I play at a high gold level. I like to talk with my adc throughout the game and saying what I am thinking of doing. I communicate well with my team, and I listen to calls well. I am currently a college student, so I will have days when I can play often and days where I will have to study. I also enjoy playing with a select few friends as well, and will likely continue to play with them. However I will still be looking to practice with the team as much as possible. If these last two points are an issue, that is fine, good luck with finding people! :)


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