League of Legends


Kamen | 27 years old

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Try and enter the professional stage of League of Legends by end of 2022.

online experience

  • 10+ years of MOBA games

offline experience

  • WPM : avg of 127 in English


Hello to whoever is interested in recruiting me as an LoL player .

My name is Draximmus a veteran MOBA player who started his adventure into this genre back in 2008 with Dota 1 . Over the years I have discovered my ever-increasing passion and dedication for this game as it brings me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction to understand the macro fundamentals of this type of games and try to push myself to become a well-educated player who can understand the strength of power spikes and map awareness. For the last 1 year, I have focused on playing mainly Jungle/ADC to try and polish my decision making and shot-calling and enlarge my champion pool even more. I started playing League of Legends back in 2017 and since then I've come to enjoy the game more and more with each game. I am seeking to join a team so I can work on my communications as for now I have mainly played Ranked Solo Que and just a handful of amateur tournaments where people generally don't wish to join Discord and speak through the game . I see myself as a disciplined, relaxed, and easygoing person who seeks to collaborate with more people who have the same interest in this game .

Main role: Jungle 2200+ games Main champs ( Xin Zhao 350+ games, Evelyn 450+ games , Kayn 300+ games , Volibear 200+ games, Trundle 130+ games, Graves 400+ games , Amamu 250+ games)

Main role: ADC 1100+ games ( Varus 250+ games, Kai'sa 140+ games, Sivir 150+ games, Ezreal 200+ games, Ashe 100+ games, Kalista 100+ games, Vayne 100+ games, )

Secondary role: Support 450+ games ( Leona 170+ games, Morgana 100+ games, Nautilius 100+ games, Rakan 70+ games)

Please feel free to contact me for any further information required.

Kindest regards


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