League of Legends


Jin Eric | N/A years old

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Bring NA back to a part of a strong legion.

online experience

  • I am friends with my idols. I can talk...well.

offline experience

  • I've been a personal coach for both League and weight lifting, and I can make people that are determined get better faster than others that doesn't have a coach.


My name is Eric Guanyu Jin, I am a Korean that was born in China. I can speak three languages fluently and I played all three servers (KR, CN, NA) My total game count is very low, around 1800 games total(started since the end of S3). I hit Plat 4 within a week in CN server back in S4, after moving to Korea, I hit D3 within 3 months and I started playing NA server.
I stopped playing due to my academic pressure from my family and I started again after I came to US for college. Within 3 weeks, I hit D4 and I am a support main. I am not mechanically gifted, mostly because I did not play as much as other players in general around my tear but I do have high understandings of this game. I can pin point the weak point of a composition and I can soak in a lot of informations in order to win a competition.
I am currently majored in Psychology and I have the traits to be a leader, a brother, a tough coach and an assistant. I am very flexible, because I know how to find a way to be great, to make the team great, where I should be to make a team work faster and better.
I do realize my states are not that impressive, but I wish I could be trusted and my potentials could be discovered..


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