League of Legends


Ryan Van Ostrand | 24 years old

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I would love to grow as a player and find ways to compete in the upper eschalons of the competitive League scene. I want to see if I could pursue this as a career in the future and I'm not sure I can do that in my current position.

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I have been looking for a competitive way to challenge myself and grow as a League of Legends player. I'm currently a college student at a small midwest-rural school with very little training and coaching available. I'd aspire to see how good I could be if I was working with coaching and amidst players of the same caliber as I am. I'm currently on a roster of players with an average rank of Gold 3, while I'm D3. My biggest frustration with my current role is I'm more of a coach than a player and I'm looking to compete and grow as a player surrounded by teammates who are searching for the same thing.

I currently am the shotcaller, drafter and player on my roster of Northwestern College in Orange City, IA.


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