League of Legends


Grasen Nance | 19 years old

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Play to the best of my ability, and represent the team well. Win. Have fun. Be Team oriented. Be a good team leader. Take criticism, aswell as be able to give it without being toxic.

online experience

  • Many scrims with my old team, with other teams.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello, throughout my career as a esports player, I have also done many things, be a coach, a leader, a co-creator of an Esports teams who participated in actual tourneys. I have played many many games, and so far, I can agree that LOL is my favorite. Aswell as being a great player and leader, I have two other buddies ( who can play any position, they usually mix between) when you mix our gameplay together the chemistry and teamwork is unmatched in a lot of things I have seen. Pair us with two other players, and I can promise you we will become one of the greatest League teams to hit the recent scene. All I am asking for is a chance, aswell as a good fun time doing it. I hope you can accept us and try us out, I am very excited to see what I have to offer to this Esports team.

Thank you for your time,
Grasen P. Nance


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