League of Legends


Adrian Barthel | 20 years old

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I want to become a Pro player ( even with my current rank) and I'm willing to put sweat and blood into the Team I'm in to Achieve that Goal.

online experience

  • I've Played in multiple Clash Tournaments and other tournaments in order to Improve and have always Ranked High with the People I was with.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello there, my name is Adrian/LenexTLI and I'm a League of Legends Player. I've been playing for about 6 years now and I'm currently Silver 1, although, and you might hear this a lot, this isn't exactly my fault. In game I try to co-ordinate my team as best as I can (if they listen) and in Lane I play smart and don't to reckless plays which could cost me the lane or the game entirely. I pay a lot of attention to my map and alert my Team when the Enemy Laner is roaming. And although I do this every game, my team still manages to ignore all of this and my advances to Help win the game and usually dies or entirely Feeds and Loses the game.

I'm looking for a Team to Play with and someone to Duo Que so I wont have to play with 4 Random People that run down their lane and either blame our Jungler or Me for them not paying attention or making stupid plays.

I can assure anyone reading this that, If I get a competent team or teammate for ranked, I will climb fast and will not disappoint.

I'm always Online and am very flexible with Training Times, and you can always reach me via Discord, Whats app or other means.


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