League of Legends


Iulian Blaga | 21 years old

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Player Player
LAN Player LAN Player
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Editor Editor


I want to get even better than I already am at this game, because I feel that I can give more out of me, and get to the level where I can be a future Pro Player. I have a lot of confidence that I can do all of this, all I need is just opportunities and a lot of work, which I am prepared to adapt to. I have a very big ambition but I consider that's how it should be done!

online experience

  • Tournaments
  • Video Editing
  • Web Designing
  • Good Player
  • Customer Support Experience

offline experience

  • Currently studying University


I'm a dedicated league player, I play this game since 2014, and I have a passion for it also. I'm a good player, my knowledge and macro gameplay is very good at this game and I'm very tiltproof, I keep a positive attitude in my games, my mental is being focused all the time during a match. I'm an ADC main, my peak was 712 LP EUNE last split, I play literally every ADC that exists in this game, and what I'm trying right now to learn is just all lanes macro playstyle of other champs from other lanes etc etc.. I know what every champ does, I know every single mechanics of every champ in the game, I know how to play for cooldowns, for team coordination without a very good communication because it's soloQ and I don't need to describe anything about it :D. I have also played in a lot of tournaments, LAN tournaments in bigger cities from my country like Bucharest, it was just a small team with some friends, but we got up in the top ladders anyways, and played a lot in online organized tournaments, even won some of them, some years ago. In general I'm a good player, and my 2nd role which I'm good at, is mid lane. Since 4 years I kept playing in high elo, and I am still maintaining as good as I can and giving my best, even better than I could do in the past. And I really wish to apply for you, because I see an opportunity for me.


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