League of Legends


Aaron | 24 years old

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1. To improve my skills much further and discover my true potential.
2. To be an important asset to the team.
3. To become a champion along with my fellow teammates.

online experience

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offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I've been playing League of Legends since 2013 and I used to play in the PH server. My highest rank in PH server was Diamond 5 but my current rank here is unranked since I just got here in the USA last month, so I had to create a different account for the NA server. I have never joined any team, any tournament, or any kind of competition, but I've always wanted to. The only problem was that I didn't have connections and I had no idea how to join a team until I found this website via google.

I have a lot of experiences with different champions and different situations, I really took time to learn both the mechanics of each champion and its impact to each game, and throughout my years' experience I have already made my own mechanics and techniques. I also learn from watching streamers and Esports tournaments.

I am an all-around team player, but I am most comfortable playing mid-lane. I perform best when using assassins especially Yasuo, Akali, Katarina, Leblanc, Ekko, and Zed. I am a very fast-learner and I can quickly adapt to any situation I may face.

Realistically speaking, I have my fair share of bad days where I perform less than expected. Nevertheless, I treat those bad days as steppingstones for improvement and come back the following days to perform even better in most of my games (overall performance including clash participation, combat score, vision scare, and gold income).

Lastly, I believe that I can unleash my full potential if I were given a chance to prove myself and join an esports team.

I am also willing to show some of my highlights/clips to anyone it may concern.

Looking forward for an offer!


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