League of Legends

KKS Reaper

Khurram Khawer | 24 years old

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1. I want to go to the Worlds Championship
2. I want to win for my Team
3. I want a team with whom i can move forward
4. I want to be on the Worlds Stage.
5. I want to become a League of Legends Esports Player

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi. My name is Reaper. I am from Pakistan. I am a League player and I love League of Legends. I want to learn more about League. I want to be a part of a Professional Team and move forward with them to the top and appear in all the Tournaments like Splits, MSI and most importantly Worlds. I am playing on 3 servers currently. MaskedxKing (NA), KKS Reaper (EUW) and KKS Reaper (Japan). I want to play on the Korean and Chinese Server too as I love LCK and LPL but I couldn,t make their account. In short, I love LOL from my heart and I want to learn more about it. I know that I dont have resources or anything but still I want to try for the Leagues and become a Legend. Thanks for Reading.


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