League of Legends


Guillaume Demonet | 31 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller


Better than average player (your call) willing to try 5v5 with serious/motivated players. I'd like to get as close as i can to a professional environment in game, except with a lower level.

Ambitions? Simplement jouer avec une équipe motivée qui garde son sérieux durant les parties. Envie d'avoir une expérience qui se rapproche le plus possible d'une team pro, mais à un niveau inférieur.

Can/will play with either French or English speaking team. Not good enough in German yet but why not.

online experience

  • EGL Gold tournament

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I like being a shot-caller, hence playing most of the time mid or jungle, which i find the easier positions to get map awareness, but i don't mind doing it from support (with an engage). I also don't mind not being a shot-caller, in this case i'll just give information about the game, letting people decide what they do with it.

Experience: some Go4LoL and one finale in a unranked to gold tournament from EGL (with RP prizes).

Une expérience online: finaliste tournois unranked to gold EGL et quelques tentatives de Go4LoL (avec des équipes montées seulement pour l'évènement.


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