League of Legends


mate | 22 years old

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i want league to be my way of life my job and im willing to do everything if i will see actual opening and hope just started to climb on west i will be dia literally no time and after that we will see im planning to grind as much as a can i wont stop if i get master or something looking for a team with coach and manager that will support me even if its master team please consider me and invite me after i will get masters im hoping for a long partnership

online experience

  • i have been playing league for 7 years already
  • but i didnt achieve anything special only this
  • year i started to take it teamwise but was playing battlefys mostly participated in many of them and i have won it like 10-15 times other times 4th-3rd place or sometimes not even there
  • battlefys mostly participated in many of them
  • won atleast10 of them sometimes 3rd-4th

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


hello im 17 years old toplaner im looking for team that will support me and help me evolve as a player will look into any kind of suggestion i have been playing this game for 7 years already and i dont wanna call it just waste of time i really put effort and my soul into this i want everything to pay off experience playing with team and participate in tournaments its my last year in school so if there is possibility i would love to participate in any kind of school tournament im from georgia my name is mate i can speak english russian only
peak elo 180lp master eune
fresh acc to d4 s9 west
just transfered my acc from eune to west and in dia promos right now just started
i dont give up easly its hard to tilt me and i have 20 champ pool can adapt to meta i never have communication problems but sometimes i fool around a little bit too much


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