League of Legends


Olivia | 24 years old

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Climb in ranked, find a team that plays serious but also knows how to have fun. Learn more champions for bottom lane.

online experience

  • FDU Esports (florham campus)

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  • No experiences yet


IGN: MissNemesis
Server: NA
Rank: S7 (Bronze) S8 (Iron 1) S9 (Iron 2 and climbing)

I've been playing since S7. Though I've dabbled in all roles, my two most solid roles are primary support and secondary ADC. I own and can play all supports and most ADCs, but my top 5 from each are:
Support - Sona, Soraka, Rakan, Leona, Nami
ADC - Ashe, Miss Fortune, Sivir, Jhin, Jinx
I realize I'm not a gold-average player, but If you give me the chance, I'll prove to you I can play in your elo. I am the rank that I am because I don't surrender. I don't give up. I won't stop trying, even if it means dealing with trolls and smurfs in most of my placements every season. I always play with voice-chat, whether it be Discord or League VC. I communicate well either via voice or ping. I don't flame and I don't consider myself to be toxic. If you would like to, I would love to try out or play some norms before you put me into consideration as building a team can be a lengthy process.


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