League of Legends


Tyler Russell | 25 years old

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My Ambition is to compete and reach new heights. And I will let neither Hell or High water stop me, It may take Years or Decades, the game may change the names may change the ambition is still the same, I will see that my dreams are realized, for I have a burning passion for games and a even brighter passion to see that I will make it to the top, to clash with the likes of Titans. It may takes Months, Years, Decades, But so long as I get that one shot then I shall be satisfied with what I achieved.

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Hello, my name is Tyler. Most just call me by my many screen names (Mrgrubee48cc, BluDevil, Commander Mortis ECT.) and I have been turning on and signing into a computer as young as two years old, and I played my first video game when I was three and have been playing games ever since and have been fascinated with competitive gaming. I been to local competitive events and surpassing my friends in middle and high school and a little in collage.
It has been a dream of mine to make it to the big tournaments and have my name know but I know I must take small steps on a long road to get there, and I am okay with that, because I know that I can apply the skills I have learned over the years I have been playing videos games and League of Legends or Dota 2 and do something I have long since dreamed of doing. And I hope you accept that I may not have much in experience, but I make up for with a willingness to put in the hours and days needed to learn and get better.


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