League of Legends

NaNi Rex

NaNi E-Sports GmbH Bettzig | 32 years old

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Movie maker Movie maker
Webmaster Webmaster
Squad Squad
LAN Player LAN Player
Sponsor Sponsor
Staff Staff
Shoutcaster Shoutcaster
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Coach Coach
Manager Manager


[NaNi] is looking for highly motivated player & teams & streamer!

online experience

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offline experience

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The NaNi E-Sports GmbH was founded on the 1st of June 2022 by Max „Rex“ Bettzig.

As external image we are using our official brand: „Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru - NaNi?!“.

NaNi is a highly ambitious, professional E-Sport organization, that has set the goal, to become the next Top-German E-Sport organization. We will compete on the highest possible level in different E-Sport fields.

To reach this goal, NaNi can fully rely on its parent company „Bettzig Media GmbH“, that is not only providing the needed financials, management and infrastructure, but also connections - built up over years - into the German economy.

What is this Bettzig Media thing exactly?

Bettzig Media is the company, NaNi belongs to.

Bettzig Media is creating professional cross-media campaigns in Germany.

Here you can find the E-Papers to our E-Sport campaigns on issuu.

NaNi will - once a year - have its own cross-media campaign in Germany. It will be published with one of the biggest daily newspapers (DIE WELT, Handelsblatt…) in Germany. Within the campaign our players (and sponsors, partners etc.) will have interviews. Each of our campaigns is seen by hundreds of thousands of people in Germany.

Why have your never heard of the great NaNi before?

Exzellent question!

The last few years we only focused on playing „Rise of Kingdoms“. The founder of NaNi (Rex) thought, we should step up as organization and bring our great mindset into other games and into the hearts of players around the world.

Unofficially we are running as „NaNi“ since 2018.

What are we looking for?
NaNi is looking for great teams with high ambitions, that want to skyrocket with us.
If your team is looking for a (new) home - here we are!

NaNi is going to be one of the greatest E-Sport organizations of all time.
We are doing everything to reach this goal.

If you have the same mentality - let´s talk!

In it to win it baby!!!

Following fields are currently open:

League of Legends Team
League of Legends Manager

CS:GO Team
CS:GO Manager

CoD Team

Valorant Team


If you are a single player, don’t hesitate to contact us.
If we don’t find a complete team, we will mix up one on our own.

Also notice: If your game is not on the list above but you have great idea how to fit in, also contact us. We are open for everything :)

(And yes - ofc we pay out teams and managers very well).

Time to build a legacy!

The NaNi legacy!

We accept your information in German or English.
Pls use the contact form on our homepage or the mail address there :)

Thank you!

BR :)

Max „Rex“ Bettzig
NaNi E-Sports GmbH


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