League of Legends


Curtis Birthwright | 23 years old

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My ambitions are to start playing league of legends with a team to actually experience the game in its purest form. Solo Q just seems so hopeless at times especially when I have above 50 % WR on multiple accounts and yet I find myself stuck in gold or silver because I can win 5 games and gain 60 lp but loose 2 and lose 36 LP. I just would like to be on a team with people who are motivated to learn and get better together but also has a competitive nature where winning is one of our top goals.

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I am jungle who has a very broad champion pool, I will play what the team needs and can adjust to the meta changes. I am a team player and have been the captain of my sports teams through out high school and my Jr hockey carrier but I don't hunger for power I believe everyone's opinion matters and am there for the team. In terms of my skill I have been training with my high school roommate who is diamond on Chinese servers and also have been taking classes on pro guides when I get the chance so I am becoming more confident with my shot calling and mechanics. I currently am gold 4 in ranked and the highest I've been was gold II.


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