League of Legends


Jana | 21 years old

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I try to learn as fast as possible and try to do it in game.
I'm a team player, maybe not in the beginning (probably i'm pretty quiet).
I'm 100% tilt-proof. Yes, its true, i never tilt. Maybe i did this 3 times in all those years.
I try to make time, after school i'm always there for the team.
When a date is set (for practice, competition,...) i'm always on time.
When there is a problem i always try to help and solve it with you.
I'm friendly and would never offend someone.

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Hi there,
I play League Of Legends since season 3-4, and really enjoyed it by just playing normal games and not competitive.
After some years i started to play ranked and i really enjoyed playing competitive. Currently i'm Silver 4, maybe not the best but i like to learn and practice more and more. In total i'm busy with reading guides, watching other pro players, looking at streams and youtube video's and much more. So in total i try to be atleast 3 hours a day busy with the game just by doing these things. I played in a team before but it was more for fun, i played in a team called Thunder Wolfs Gaming. We only played on Kayzr and didn't really played as a team but after some practice with people from gold to diamond, i really started to improve. *I didn't play ranked with them, this was more for me to learn how to play with people from this elo and they helped me alot* . I started to play League Of Legends as a ADC, i did this with Ashe and Jhin but my farm wasn't the best so i started to play jungle and top lane in season 6. I like to play jungle but it isn't really my thing, but i really like top lane. This because i like to play with Gnar because of the tankyness, most of my top laners i play are tanks. But also on top lane i really became bored so i wanted to go to the bot lane again and so i started to play Support. And i'm in love with this! As a support i'm still next to the ADC and sometimes with the experiences i have of being a ADC for a long time myself i help them where i can. I just live in bot lane. As a Support i normally just play Rakan as my main champion currently. For more questions or more information you can always contact me.


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