League of Legends


Ryan | 21 years old

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I am looking to improve my skill towards that of high gold to low plat over the next season or two if required.
I also want to be a part of a semi-permanent clash team and get to discuss strategies and gameplay approaches with other players.

online experience

  • 3 Years League Experience

offline experience

  • High school graduate


Hello, I'm Seasonal Migraine.
I've been playing League since November about a patch before Neeko's release.
I have played primarily as a mid laner, with my Highest mastery Champs being Ahri, Neeko, and Zoe.
I recently was a part of a team named Cobalt Gaming as the captain and pick/ban coach.
My rank is Silver 4 75 Lp
Mid is my main role but I am willing to offrole to jungle/top as long as you understand it may take time for me to adjust.
In addition my support feels as strong as my mid as long as I feel synergistic with the Adc. I have a strange semi-aggressive style so we can figure that out as we go.
Top 3 per role would be=
Top= Ornn, Mordekaiser, Sett
Jungle=Taliyah, Volibear, Morgana
Mid=Neeko, Ziggs, Ahri
Bot=(Ziggs), Xayah, Jhin, Ashe
Supp= Swain, Maokai, Xerath


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