League of Legends


Boyan Pantev | 20 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Leader Leader
Coach Coach


My goal is to find any team to play for , in order to face against other player and teams on higher level.
I want to climb as higher as possible in order to reach the top.
I feel confident in my leadership skills , so I would be happy to have to opportunity how much I can achieve if given that position.

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My name is Boyan and I've been playing League of Legends for about 5 years. I love competing that's why I am looking for a team to play for. My current rank is Platinum 4 ( really bad season so far) s9 & s10 I was able to reach diamond 4 & 3. Even as an non-high elo player I feel ready and confident to play against any opponent , because in the end there's a huge difference in SoloQ and Teams. I don't feel that division is as much important as it is widely accepted. But I would genuinely understand if you have different opinion over the importance of the rank and decide to not choose me.
From my personal experience from the clash tournaments I've played I feel far more comfortable playing in a team and the entire atmosphere of the competitiveness. I believe I have the right mentality for competing.

If I were to describe myself I would say I am -
- capable of being a shotcaller/leader if a team needs one
-can any type of champion if it is needed in a certain situation
- highly motivated to participate in tourneys and ready to work as hard as possible to achieve success.
- never give up mentality , even when something is going really bad ( I am a positive thinker )
- Great knowledge about champions, items , spells and DRAFTING.
I would say one of my cons that is sometimes I am way too impatient or just coinflipping some games , because I prefer dynamic style of play with a lot of fighting , but I am always ready to improve myself into playing a slower playstyle if the team prefers this type.

I can also fill a role as a Coach in a team , because I feel I can target the important assets of this role and teach/help others to play better as a team.


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