League of Legends

Snails House

George | 28 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Leader Leader
Shoutcaster Shoutcaster


Tournament play, UKLC, League play

online experience

  • Black Monster Cup UK Qualifier 3rd place
  • 100s of Go4LoL weekend tournaments with quarterfinals and semi-finals finishes

offline experience

  • insomnia 59 (top 6)
  • insomnia 60 (can't remember placement)


A mature and extremely experienced league of legends player. I have played in (and run) multiple teams over many seasons. Most of my career spanned seasons 3, 4 and 5, but now I am playing better than ever and want to jump back in. I have nearing 1000 hours of tournament play across online and LAN tournaments, and I'm currently representing my university in the UK NSE and NUEL leagues as their starting support player.

As a support main I have a massive champion pool, spanning almost every support in the game (with a few notable exceptions in yuumi, and pyke). My main champions are: Leona, Nautilus, Nami, Morgana, Braum, Rakan, Poppy, Pantheon, Maokai, Soraka, Lulu, Janna, Chogath (with fasting senna), Rell, Galio, Karma, Brand. - There are others that I can play but am just not as brushed up on, such as bard, seraphine, thresh; but I would need some time to work on these.

I know when to fight, and i fulfilled the role of team captain, shotcaller, and team manager for 3 years with my European team Cloud Connected. My current weakness, is knowing where to be and when in the mid-game, this is something I am aware of and am working on, and I believe that once I've worked on this issue I'll have what it takes to push D1 and maybe even master.


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