League of Legends


Kevin | 30 years old

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Reaching Season 10 and hardly improving over settling a Diamond game level, I am getting a bit frustrated and looking for solutions. I have always played Solo/Duo Queue and in my opinion it wasn't the best memories. This is why I thought of joining a group of people I could play with and improve significantly while changing my habits of playing the game and discovering something new.

online experience

  • 6 years of very frequent practice of the game

offline experience

  • Business owner
  • Practicing team sports since forever


Hello everyone,

I've been playing league since season 4 on a very high frequency, mostly Solo/Duo Queue (highest peak Diamond 3) granting me a great experience of the game on many aspects:

- Maining AD Carry for the most part of my time as a player of Lol, I have a wide champion pool on this role. I've had great results on Midlane as well trhoughout the seasons.

- My knowledge of the game overall is pretty solid. I spend a lot of time watching professional players and high elo streamers in order to improve.

- Over the years and the many Lol games I've played,Ii can say that my playstyle is very adaptive to the situation, which makes me believe I can fit in any kind of strat.

As a person, I'm a very mature kind of guy comparing to the community of League. Never trolled or tilted out big time, I'm kind of tired of this aspect of the game to be honest.


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