League of Legends


Zebadiah Hoyt | 25 years old

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As far as it seems I want to get good enough to reach high Elo to the point that I can be looked at as a real competitor and not just another player, any amount of time I need to put in I will if it means I could possibly be looked at for a pro opportunity

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I have causally played since season five and am looking to get more serious about competitive, I am comfortable in bot lane in general, solo q I tend to adc as I can’t trust random adcs down here but when I support I tend to focus heavy on harass and vision with my vision score rarely falling below one per minute. My most consistent adc in solo is by far jinx due to how well she scales but I also enjoy the occasional jhin and have been mildly abusing zeri, I have yet to break out of gold in any season but I am looking to change that this year, I am quick to pick up on new information and willing to learn whatever I have to to get better as I know i make many MANY mistakes and misplays that could be avoided but that’s is all about learning


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