LoL Wild Rift


Bizarre | 19 years old

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To get a job/work at some sort of gaming related place/environment.

online experience

  • Playing a hella lot of games
  • Interacting with tons of online people in different social medias

offline experience

  • School
  • Working part time


I go by the name BizarreBates07 or VulGrim07 in most of mobile games.
I've never participated in any competitive matches, but I've been wanting to for a long time.
I always, and I mean always play Rank in all of my games to push myself as close to the top so that I might somehow miraculously get seeked out by a team.
During my earlier times as a mobile gamer, I used to focus an awful lot on KDAs but as time went on and I slowly attained proper playing skills I've come to realize is that what's important is to win and not the KDAs.
All games, all matches, everything has one single objective and that is to win. And that's what I've been aiming for since past couple years. I don't boast a whole lot of professional skills like other players, but I do possess a decent game sense and the sense that objectives comes first, the win comes first before greed.
But like all players, I have my ups and downs. Sometimes I play extraordinarily well and sometimes I play awfully bad. But I learn and grow from the wins and losses both.

I enjoy gaming alot, and to be given a chance to shine at the competitive scene would be the greatest thing for me to ever achieve.

That's all.


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