LoL Wild Rift


Benedict | 19 years old

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To become one of the top players in League of Legends, reaching the highest levels of play and mastering a variety of champions and roles. By continuously improving my game knowledge, mechanics, and strategic thinking, I aim to achieve a consistent win rate and climb the ranked ladder to the highest possible rank. Along the way, I will strive to develop a positive attitude and effective communication skills, building strong relationships with teammates and contributing to a positive gaming community. Ultimately, my ambition is to compete at the highest levels of competitive play and become a professional player, representing a top-tier esports organization and competing on the global stage. I am committed to putting in the hard work, dedication, and discipline required to achieve my goals and leave a lasting impact on the League of Legends community.

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Highly skilled League of Legends player with a previous rank of Master and a specialization in the support role. Nearly reaching Grandmaster last season with just three more wins, and boasting an impressive 65%+ winrate. Demonstrating exceptional game knowledge, strategic thinking, and outstanding mechanical skills, with a particular emphasis on enabling and protecting their allies. Proficient in a wide variety of support champions, able to adapt quickly to different team compositions and playstyles.


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