

Kheili Warnest | 24 years old

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In the long run/Down the track I would love to make a career out of my gaming and be able to travel the world doing what I love. My ultimate goal is to be able to get myself some sponsors and get to mine-con!
As for now, I'm looking to be a part of team that is as loyal and supportive to me as I am of them. I'd love to be able to constantly play with like-minded people that share the same interests/passion.
I would love to be able to help build the teams exposure and create something amazing within a small community.
Streaming Minecraft is definitely where my heart is and it would be amazing to be able to share that with some amazing people that support me like i always would of them!

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Hey There!
I'm Kheili, although online I'm much better known as MotoMum (or Moto) as it is my gaming and social media tag.
I'm 20 years old and am living in Adelaide, Australia! I'm a Full-time Twitch streamer and am in the process of trying to get YouTube started to go hand in hand with my streaming, I have some Minecraft tutorials ready to edit and post as we speak! My twitch streams average about 10 viewers so Its making me a little bit of cash to put back into my gaming setup.
I mostly stream Minecraft, although I do like to keep a little bit of variety. I play Minecraft for between 3-6 hours each day of the week.

Most of the time I play survival mode although I do enjoy to relax and build beautiful things on creative. I do have a creative test server to build automatic systems so I can perfect before attempting it on survival.
I've built some amazing buildings and structures on both survival and creative, and I'm very confident in my red-stone abilities. I'm one to always automate everything to not have to 'grind' for certain things as much.


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