Mobile Legends


Henson Peroche | 26 years old

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To be able to participate in pro league, earn real money, show off my skills and my greatest ambition is to be able to shine as one of the famous pro solo players and also as a pro team player in the world.

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Hi, my name is Henson E. Peroche, 22 years old. lives on General Trias Cavite Philippines. Multi-role user.
I've played alot of MOBA games including Mobile legends, I've starting from Dota, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Dota 2, Arena of Valor, Marvel Super War, Vainglory, and The Extraorinary ones.

I've been an on and off player of Mobile Legends, I've started S2 played for 2 months, came back on S7 played for 4 months came back again on S9 or S10 until the current season. Although I still don't consider myself as a pro player yet because of a lot factors, one of these factors is that, I've been an avid solo player, because I'm very fond of testing all heroes while trying to look for a new things and hoping to create something that I can call my own unique compatible set of items for each heroes. I'm also the type of player who browse and read patch notes to be up to date when some changes are added.
By doing so, I'm now well aware of the active and passive skills of the present heroes(advance server not included) including the main benefits of each items although i'm not very familiar with each heroes skill cooldowns and actual numbers of stats given by every item. By doing so as a solo player, so far I've manage to reach the rank of Mythic IV. In conclusion with these factors I can only proclaim that I'm just I might be one or two levels behind to become a real pro player.

With this all in mind, I now know being a great solo player is not everything when it comes to battling a pro team and that I still have a lot to learn from the pros. But, I'm now willing to step up my game, try and apply my accumulated experience as a solo player in pro league then strive to be part of great team, a pro team that can inspire people to pursue their dream and be confident to call themselves a Pro Player.


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