Overwatch 2


Francesco | 33 years old

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I would like to get to the higher ranks (> platinum).

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I've been playing OW since it was first released.
Started on PS4, got to about level 450 (4 stars bronze). Then moved to PC and got to level 672 (no stars silver level 72).
I'm very familiar with all the maps (including the new ones) - I can usually find my way into any health pack or corner/hiding spot walking backwards.

I have spent a lot of hours studying the game - tutorials, gameplay, practice games etc.
I am pretty confident with how the roles work and I'm usually the most performing player in the games I play.

Healers: Moira (I actually heal :) ), Lucio, Baptiste, Mercy, Ana, Brigitte, Zen
Tanks: Rein, Sigma, Orisa, Dva, Zarya
DPS: Junkrat, Torbjion, Mei, Soldier, Symmetra

My SR has had a lot of ups and down, from highish gold (~2200) to deep bronze (~900). I started in the lowest bronze 5 on OW2 and I'm now bronze 2 in damage, bronze 1 in support and tank, silver 4 in open queue.

One of the main causes of my rank is that I do not play enough (less than 10 games a day, not every day) as I don't enjoy very much playing in random teams. My friends play on PS5 so we only play quick play together.

I am looking for a team that plays regularly (even every day). I'd like to play competitive games and training matches with the team. Would be cool to do tournaments too.


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