Overwatch 2


Charlotte | 20 years old

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I wish to have a solid team that I can rely on and have a good time playing while at it. I like playing Overwatch with people I can get to know and play with multiple so I can adjust to their playstyle and practice any heroes that the others are not able to.

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I'm Skyress and I am a healer main, however i can play other roles if needed and have practiced them.
I mostly play Mercy but I can play any support as I have trained myself for them incase someone couldn't and we needed that moveset, and find myelf proficient in Mercy's movepool and her playstyle.
I am in AEST/AEDT timezone however and work part-time, but only 2-3 days a week usually.
I also am able to use a mic and is usually very active on comms to allow the best communication possible to ensure a solid win, I'm very polite and will allow everyone to voice their opinion and will let everyone else pick their character before I do so I can just adjust myself to the team comp avaliable.
I use to use Instagram to post my clips from games however I have just focused on playing comp so I haven't been posting on there anymore, however it still has videos of my Damage & Tank for reference. But I still have some videos saved of my support as well.

I rarely have people to play comp with when I'm the most active and due to that I have a hard time finding good teams to play with and with the new seasons of Overwatch 2 the rank system has kept dropping me down when I complete all of my wins with few losses inbetween. But I believe my playstyle and communication shows that I'm a good player worth looking into.


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