

Emma | 30 years old

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Community Manager Community Manager
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In the future I wish to manage a top tier team full time.

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About me

I am mainly passionate about three things, gaming, helping people, and cats. I think this really shows in my coaching and fun based community - The Cat Collective.
I am looking for an opportunity to blend my love of management and organisation with my love of esports. Happy to travel or relocate as needed. Highly organised, with previous experience in Recruitment, HR, and administration.

The Cat Collective — Founder, Community Manager and Coach
March 2019 - PRESENT

When I first founded The Jetpack Cats at the beginning of this year, I spent a lot of time recruiting and interviewing players and came to the realisation that there are so many female and LGBTQ+ players out there that want to learn to play in a team environment. That’s when I decided to make The Cat Collective, a female and LGBTQ+ focused server, that still welcomes and celebrates mixed gendered teams.
Since forming this community I have learnt a huge amount about what it takes to manage several teams, while still generating and interacting with a fan base. I had to very quickly learn how to organise 20+ people on a weekly basis, how to manage all social media platforms and create content, how to coach and vod review and more. I luckily already had experience in hiring candidates, as I have previously worked in the recruitment industry for 4 years.
Since March we have expanded ( our discord now boasts 104 members!), creating two more Overwatch teams: Cat’astrophe! and Lynxforce. This was a big step up work wise, so I recruited some coaches and moderators to take some of the workload.
We are now about to start implementing some other games to our server. DOTA 2, TF2 and WoW are the ones we are going to be trialling first, building teams and guilds respectively - so watch this space!

The Jetpack Cats- Manager and Player
March 2019 - PRESENT

The Jetpack Cats are an all female Overwatch team, that I formed with two of the members after my previous team dissolved. Originally started out as a platinum to diamond team, but has now increased to a Diamond to Masters team. I play off tank for this team, but I also manage them. I currently arrange us to have at least 2 sessions a week, one being a scrim and one being either practice or a VOD review of our previous scrim. This takes a fair amount of networking to get balanced and fun scrims once a week! I also spend a lot of time speaking to individual team members about their concerns, or how they want to change things in the future. We work together to make sure we come up with solutions we all agree with, however there is the odd occasion where I do need to overrule certain decisions.
We are currently planning our first meet up at Dreamhack Winter (DHW) I am helping the team with travel and accommodation but also arranging uniform.

Pachimari Co. — Player
October 2018 - March 2019

The Pachimari Co was my first Overwatch team. It was an all female, mainly Swedish, Gold to Platinum team. This was a more casual team, but it paved the way for me learning to love competitive Overwatch. During my time on the team we competed in a Female Legends Tournament, the Open Division and other small tournaments.


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