

Beckie | 49 years old

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DPS Support
  • Reaper
  • Sombra
  • Mercy


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I'd like to learn how to be good at playing a single character, maybe 2 max.. I don't wanna have a whole roster of characters floating around. I would like to be of help to people in a support role. I feel that is more to my personality, but then again I also have a very aggressive and angry side if things get me ticked off irl.

online experience

  • World of Warcraft, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Warframe, The Sims 3, The Sims 4, SWTOR

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


My name is Beckie, I bought the game back in September, but my computer totally gave up on me and I had to save up for a while to buy a bunch of stuff for it so I could build a new one. I figured if i was gonna get new stuff might as well rebuild it. I was about 4 years old already. So now my pc is pretty decent to play around on. Got my settings all config'd on the game for max preformance.

Now about my game play.. I didnt really start playing till recently, so I have just been doing random training vs ai. stuff.. My most hours are on Mercy. But I know I could do better. I like to switch off between dps and her. I am trying to basically try out all the toons on the game to get a good feel of what abilities they have before I make a total decission. But yea.

I have been gaming for years. Started out when I was younger. I never really got into halo or cs go.. I did play the og counter strike when it was out. I loved it.. my main shooter that I played for a long time was mass effect.. but.. yea.. eh.. thats not really a shooter.. >.> I do alot of rpg's and mmo's.

This is the first time for me singing up for a site like this. I want to make things Very Clear. I am not a pro. I do not game a bunch of times.. I am here for fun only.. I don't care about rankings.. I would like to rank.. I will try my darnedest to get as high as I possibly can. I take critisim well, be it good or bad, I like to joke around and I am always willing to follow directions from someone who knows more then me on how to play the characters I wish to play. I am just looking to have fun, Play Overwatch, and get better. I dont see where to add this so i'll put it here I play on the US servers.

p.s. I dont know what it means by being willing to participate in expenses of your future team.. is that like paying for vent or a website or something like that? cus discord is free and there are a ton of free websites.. >.>)


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