

François | 43 years old

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Find a team able to make me and my brother rise in term of powerlevel without dedicassing our whole life to this.
The ideal team would be open minded and warm...

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Hi !

French player who start thinking about esport, i'm not stranger to competition (card games, tactical games...etc) and very high level of team work and training.

I have a long list of titles and achievements in games but not in esport. I was professional player in lot of card games and one board games and run lot of analysis and team training to reach mastery and highest titles of all in those games.

I have always loved overwatch playing since game release but not with dedication as i had others games where i trained hard with my team.

Now in overwatch i want to try a more competitive approach but without, for now, days of training every week as i have IRL work and family now.

Yet i can easily be able to play something like 8/10 hours a week without a problem.

Recently, i have a little team of 5 players who play less than me and have different levels (bronze most part but my own brother is gold like me and we work well together).

I play d.va (my brothers combining with winston) and zenatya as my main characters but have some limited skills and training with tracer, soldat, sombra, fatale and orisa...
But even in D.va which i play near half of my games since game release, i'm sure i have things to learn and i wold be eager to be teached !

I'm a leader and fine tactician in all games where i played but i can easily shut up and obey when somebody with more experience is calling the shot.

Even with family life, both me and my brother are very serious.


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