

ItsYaBoi Mars | 126 years old

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I want to help the team build up and increase the followers of the team and make the team stronger and work as a team also to make a platform for the team like a team Youtube channel or twitch channel so people can see what we do and see that we should be competing against other teams I can also want to build merch for the team I can design jerseys for the team i can use photoshop a bit.

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I have played video games from a young age I played in Minecraft esports team and I played halo and cod so I can take on any champion I have a level 15 victor and level 9 Barik I also have level 5 Ying or I can play Pip I know all the maps very well because I play a lot so I know how to run away if I get hurt I can work in a team I work better as a team I can practice from 3-8 Gmt on school terms but on school holidays I can play longer from 8-8 Gmt and i work hard and I stream a lot and I'm starting to making a Youtube channel.


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