Player Unknown Battlegrounds


Samar Bukhari | 18 years old

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Improve My skills: As a new player, one of my main goal is to improve my gameplay. This include things like aiming, movement, and tactical decision-making. By joining a team, I'll have the opportunity to learn from more experienced players and hone my skills.

Have fun: PUBG should be a fun and enjoyable experience. By finding a team mate, I'll have someone to share the ups and downs of the game with and make some great memories along the way.

Win games: Winning games is always a goal in PUBG. By joining a team, I'll have a better chance of achieving this ambition as I'll have more coordinated and cooperative players on my side.

Build teamwork: PUBG is a team-based game, and having strong teamwork skills is essential to success. By working with a team mate, I'll have the opportunity to develop my communication and collaboration skills, which will serve me well not only in PUBG, but in other aspects of life as well.

Make new friends: Lastly, finding a team mate in PUBG also leads to making new friends. I'll have someone to talk to and play with, and who knows, I also want form a lasting friendship beyond the game.

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"Hello everyone! I'm a new player to PUBG and I'm looking for a team mate to join me in some matches. I'm eager to learn and improve my skills, but I need some guidance and support along the way. I'm available to play during the evenings and weekends. If you're a patient and supportive player who is looking for a noob like me, please don't hesitate to reach out! Let's work together and have some fun!"


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