Player Unknown Battlegrounds


Teale | 30 years old

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I hope to be a professional gamer for as long as I can and then eventually go back to school so I can make video games once I retire.

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I've played video games since I can remember, and my dream is to make something of myself.
Everyone wants a job they enjoy, especially with the rise of streamers , people see this (gaming) as a job they would like to pursue.
What everyone does not realize is, earning a living while doing something you love does not mean it is easy.
Playing video games is not only a difficult way to make a living, it is very competetive. Not everyone is going to be successful, and it is going to take a lot of practice, blood, sweat, and even tears.
When I was 3 years old casually gaming with my dad, he started his molding of the most competetive person I could be. From the late night goofy games, to the "if you beat me, you don't have to do the dishes". My father created the gamer I am today. Don't give up, don't ever stop, be the best you can be and eliminate the competetion.
Now, being a single mom and having lost my father, that has not changed. I refuse to stop, I will succeed in life, and I will do what I love, no matter how hard it is.


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