Rainbow six siege


Cazper Lindholm | 123 years old

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I strive to become one of the best players in Rainbow Six Siege and also have fun at the same time. As long as people actually appreciate the game and appreciate people trying to improve. I'll continue enjoying and having fun playing R6S. And hopefully in a professional team.

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • Video editing


Greetings my name is Cazper, but my nickname is Caz online. I'm from a small Swedish city and can speak English fluently. I like playing games and play games mostly everyday when I'm not in school or doing other activities like swimming or hanging out with friends. I've played rainbow for almost 6 months but took a break for 2 months, so I'm trying to regain the skill I had. I'm one of the people who aren't toxic and thrive in lobbies where people don't trash talk. I'm very varied in play style and can play anything from intel to hard breach. I'm very involved e-sport and watch it whenever I can. Whether in the background or just in my free time.


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