Rainbow six siege


Wesley | 27 years old

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My ambitions are to make it to R6S Pro League eventually.

online experience

  • Rainbow Six: Siege (900+ hours on console/50+hours on PC).

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I recently switched from playing Rainbow Six: Siege on console to playing on PC. I have over 900 hours in Siege on console, but decided to switch to PC because it is the ideal platform for playing Siege at a competitive level. I am looking for a team who is willing to get better together and help each other improve. I am looking for a team who is not toxic, can still have fun, but does take getting better at Siege seriously. My short term goal is to find a consistent team to play with and improve with them. My long term goal is to eventually make it to Pro League with this team, and to make this a career. I would like to be on a team with similar goals. I usually play Siege from around 11 am to 6 pm CST and I am online most days. However, I will not be available on Mondays. My schedule is subject to change.


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