Rainbow six siege


Ruben | 27 years old

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Squad Squad


Find a team with other four people who want to aim for pro league and play GO4 etc.

online experience

  • Ranked Games
  • R6 scrims

offline experience

  • Counter-Strike lan


Hello my name is Ruben I'm 21years old,

(Small story about my experience in a team and in rainbow six siege)
I started playing R6 since 4th of December of 2015(3 days after release) on ps4, after one month i joined a friend and together we build a team where we participated in some scrims and friendly custom games as a 5-man squad after 4 months i left that team because some of them were 15y old kids and we couldn't participate in tournaments. Later on i got the game for pc but didn't play that much on pc but still advanced my skill on ps4 with some friends or solo, later some friends invited me for some go4 or even PL but i couldn't participate because of a full time job (i regret it now), last year i joined some R6 pc communities (clans) and got in some 5-man squads where we played always with the same squad and test some new strats.

The Highest Rank i got was Plat 2 and i would love to evolve more.

When i was in High-school me and some friends played counter-strike in a Lan amateur tournaments (nothing official) so idk if you could consider that as experience in Lan.

In my First squad i was a sub ilg too but i just suggested to the igl and he decided, i also played support role and main thermite and anchor as rook or doc but basically i can play any operator(of course i probably have some that im a little weak and would need more xp and play more with them) i try to adapt to what my team needs, i also try to simplify callouts to be more easier to communicate.

what i care the most in a match is my team victory.

have already played with a lot of different people for all around the world and played in EU and NA servers so i kind of know what they play(metas and strats)


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