Rainbow six siege


Harrish | 21 years old

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I want to just be better overall, I want to improve in a way where I can notice my own changes. With that being said it wouldn't be too bad to hit Diamond along the way (;

online experience

  • Go4 Tournaments

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hey! My names Harrish and I've been playing siege for about 4 years now. Even though I may not act like it, siege is my all-time favourite game. I have many accounts but currently, on my main I am a level 233. For the last while, I have been consistently getting plat with a seasonal average KD of 1.3. But recently I have been quite ticked off with the teammates I'm playing with and feel like they're holding me back. For this reason, I'm slowly losing interest in the game as all the teammates I come across are very bland and terrible to look up to. I just want a team where I can play my best and have full trust in. On top of that, I want to be able to learn from them and fix my playstyle to become a better player. I would love to join any team that takes the game seriously as I do and has fun playing it. My PSN is Hxrth- (:


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