Rainbow six siege


| N/A years old

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I want to be apart of a team that is SO GOOD people look up to us just for playing a game. I want to be apart of the next G2 for ps4 and win low and high stake tournaments with the boys.

online experience

  • I have been in countless go4 tournaments with multiple teams we won some and lost some.

offline experience

  • I play football so I have team leader traits and abilities and I don’t get pissed that much at slight mistakes that can be fixed.


Hey boys I’m jhhartz2 and I’m level 247 and plat 2. My role is being a flex player I tend to play more anchor heavy players like doc, rook, Mira, or echo. But I can also step up and get kills with any other **** attack I usually am hibana or I am helping out by roam clearing for attack I mostly play hibana, buck, and twitch but I can play anyone. I’m also only 15 but I sound like a grown man on the mic I don’t sound like a little kid if we play in a ESL I won’t be the one being called a minor and screwing over the team. But out of school I play football so I have team skills but that also means I can’t play 24/7 I can play every day except Thursdays after 5


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