Rainbow six siege


Moaaz Hafez | 22 years old

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I'd love to move up in the ranks and become a full-time professional gamer and get involved in many different international competitions and tournaments. I'm a team player and so I'd love to be dedicated to a group and work together for us all to get better.

online experience

  • Got to grandmaster rank in Overwatch for multiple seasons
  • Last year got to Plat in Rainbow six siege
  • I play A LOT of FPS games and just shooter games in general

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I've been playing Rainbow since the game was released. On my previous account which was unfortunately hacked, I was around level 100 and got to Platinum 1. It's been a while since I've played rainbow competitively but I have another account now which is around level 35-40 and I'd love to get back into the competitive side of this game. It is one of my favorite games and has been for a while now. I have a lot of free time to practice and improve in areas where I'm not too efficient. I'm willing to spend as much time as I can practicing and getting better to win games and play efficiently with the team. I have all the operators and I'm willing to invest in my professional career and my team. I've already acquired a really good setup with an ultra-wide monitor and a 2080Ti. I've got razer accessories and a mouse pad that covers my entire desk. In my past experiences, I've been able to learn pretty quickly and get better at games pretty quickly. I've reached high ranks in many other shooters like overwatch (grandmaster) and I invest most of my days playing games. I'd love to dedicate all this time and effort into a team and get involved in tournaments and competitions. Among everyone I play with I'm always considered the best but I know I can improve either way.


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