Rainbow six siege


Elijah Orona | 22 years old

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I want to become the next pro league team member to which ever team gives me the opportunity and I want to take advantages of all the things I can learn from this experience. Overall I just want to improve as a player and show my worth and how skilled I am at siege.

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Im Eli and I want to be apart of an esport team for rainbow because Ive been playing this game since its alpha and i feel like i know the game better then the devs. Playing siege has been so fun and ive reached diamond on my own on xbox but reached only plat 2 on pc mainly because solo queueing is hard to climb the ranks when everyone around me is dumber then brick. I feel like my fullest potential is being held back by the general community of siege and if I had the opportunity to show myself on an esports team im pretty confident that i can perform well. My game sense is bigger than most due to my long participation in the game and i constantly watching pro league matches to stay in touch with the newest strats and of course to support my team. Rainbow to me is more than a game because i constantly look to improve when i cant find places to improve in i take every game as serious as if it was a tournament because when i win its self satisfaction to me because it seems im doing something right.


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