Rainbow six siege


Kirsten | 26 years old

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Push to plat. I know I'm capable but tend to solo queue.
Potentially join an esports team.
So if you want to train me up for your exports team...then we kill two birds with one stone.

online experience

  • Twitch streamer

offline experience

  • I have previously taught people to play


Hi there! People call me Muser or Penguin.

I'm a 23 year old woman who has played Siege for around 5 years but only recently got a proper set up.

I'm currently on a gap year and will be returning to my midwifery studies in 2022.

The highest rank I've achieved is gold 2, but that was always solo queuing. In quickmatch I'm at a plat 4 rank.

I have potential, with my friends I often top frag or clutch. However I do suffer from anxiety so being hounded at doesn't work in game..I will often "shush" people when I need it to focus. Other than that chill vibes are usually present.

I don't have amazing aim, and my game sense is average. I don't have great eyesight.

My mains (* indicates top main):
Attack- Jackal*, Lion, Nomad and Finka. Anti-roamer and Intel based.

Defence- Melusi*, Frost*, Rook and Cav.
Hard roamer, Intel and traps.

Team info-
Good comms are a big thing to me, I might not be able to top frag constantly but I give call outs and recommendations that often save lives or win the game for my team.

I'm all about constructive criticism, I do want to get better and I want others to get better-but positive energy is better for the team than negative. Don't just tell me what I did wrong, give me a recommendation and why you're recommending it.

On top of this, praise is important.
I like receiving and giving praise.
Regardless of who I play with I will tell them they did a great job, or it was a nice try. I also make light or praise someone for silly and cool things that happen. Typically a happy team atmosphere will provide good results.


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