Rainbow six siege


Quaxz | 16 years old

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I hope to one day play in a official Siege tournament. I also hope to get your team there! Also, winning would be nice.

online experience

  • I've been on 2 different very small esport teams

offline experience

  • Multilingual


Hey! I'm Quaxz, an upcoming siege player. I grind every chance I get and try to be the best player I can be. I hope you can see my potential and hopefully I will get to a higher level lol. I see myself as a leader but wherever you see fit will be fine. Here are my current mains: Attacking: Fuze and Jackal. Defending: Frost, Maverick, Lesion and Pulse. On defense I try to fortify the objective before using my utility item to defend the objective better. On attack I usually play somewhat aggressive, either busting straight into the objective or blow a hole in the roof. I also usually am with another teammate for support. Also, I prefer a team located in North America that speaks English but, I can also speak some German as well as a small amount of French.


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