Rainbow six siege


Shaixx | 19 years old

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My goals are:
-be succesful
-find a good team where we could play together
-improve and be better
-learn from my mistakes

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First of all i am a 16 years old guy who plays r6 since Y1S4,I am from hungary but english is not a problem for me and I am also looking for international roasters rather then hungarian ones.I am lvl 214 and I have more than 1500 hours in the game,but because I play this game that long 1500 hours is not that much,I played this game for fun and I had this much hours because when I was younger I had much more freetime,but I am back and I am looking for a team where I can improve and even make my profiessional debut.I am really flexible in the operators and roles,I can play fragger,support but my favourite is the flex role where I pick the ops that are needed for the team.I think I am a really good team player and I could be a good fit for teams.The timelines could make a little problem but I can manage it,a few years ago i tried it and it worked fine so we can arrange times when I can play,mostly at weekends but also in the afternoons.I am not toxic etc.


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