Rainbow six siege


Seamus Loughrey | 18 years old

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I want to become an official e-sports gamer and/ or make a career out of gaming if the team is the one for me. I would love to be part of an established gaming team which has a big name e.g. Faze.

online experience

  • Multiple competitions
  • Lots of online playing with high level people
  • 1v1 experience

offline experience

  • £25,000 tournament hosted by e-stars


Hi if you are reading. I am looking for a team to join for Rainbow six siege in which I can play and get a feel for official e-sports. In the team I will want to become an official player on the R6 roster and I also want to join a team that will provide opportunities to possibly make a career in gaming, for example, eventually being payed (after a few years) however this is not a necessity. In the past I have been to a gaming event where I have played and did quite well. This event was hosted by E-STARS. What's more I have plenty of experience in game making me an ideal player for your team. I can work well with other team members in order to help the team be the best it can be. I really hope you consider me to be a player for your team and I look forward to working with you.



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